Learning how to solder better

I have done some soldering over the course of my relearning how to make, but I didn’t do so deliberately or with really decent instruction. I found a really fantastic video series on soldering, which looks like it was from the 60s or so: Covers all the basics, and I learned a fair amount from it.…

Learning from Udemy Arduino course

I signed up for the Arduino Step by Step course from Udemy, and have now got partway through it (25%!).  It is pretty good, and I wanted to summarize my key  lessons learned: Sensors:  the course walked through a bunch of them, but most of them are pretty straight forward or I had used before.…

An Arduino course from Udemy

While I feel like I have managed to become reasonably knowledgeable about programming Arduinos, and experiences such as at Startup Weekend and with Code for DC have validated my knowledge base and skill, I know there is a tremendous amount that I still have yet to learn.  Moreover, I feel like I have learned sporadically,…